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2018 CAAs and PEI and Alberta Data

Well we've been a bit tardy getting our first blog post out this year but it's not as if we've been slacking!

Some of you may have already noticed the CAA Programme Page growing in size. We have a few more uploads to make before we have almost all of the programmes available dating back to the 1970s. Big thanks to Joanne and Keith Braaten for acquiring and scanning these programmes and helping to create this invaluable resource.

Josh attended the 2018 CAAs in Winnipeg and talked about the Research Portal initiative. He was also able to connect with several of our provincial data contributors and put some faces to the names we contact annually. It's great to see provincial and territorial regulators at the CAAs and other archaeological conferences as they provide an important perspective to heritage management conversations.

Speaking of which, we are grateful to Alberta and PEI for providing 2017 permit numbers. The data has been updated and the pages have been converted to the new streamlined format.

We hope to have more data available in the coming months.

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