Nova Scotia Archaeology

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Nova Scotia Archaeology - 1981-2016

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Nova Scotia Archaeology Permit Totals


Nova Scotia Archaeology Permit Totals
Data Source: Nova Scotia Government; Nova Scotia Museum

Nova Scotia Archaeology Permit Types


Nova Scotia Archaeology Permit Types
Data Source: Nova Scotia Government

Nova Scotia Category A: Archaeological Reconnaissance Permits


Nova Scotia Archaeology Category A Permits
Data Source: Nova Scotia Government
A Category A permit may be issued to an individual who will be responsible for the conduct of a reconnaissance project, the communication of its results and the performance of project assistants. Persons who intend to examine an area on land or underwater with the objective of recording site or artifact locations without causing any disturbance to archaeological resources, other than a properly recorded, systematic and limited collection of resources exposed on the surface of the ground (Surface Collection), should complete a Category A permit application. Nova Scotia Special Places
Category B permits may be issued to an indiviual who will be responsible for the conduct of a problem-oriented survey or excavation, the communication of its results and the performance of project assistants. Person who intend to conduct test excavations or site excavation on land or underwater must apply for a Category B permit. Nova Scotia Special Places


Nova Scotia Category B: Archaeological Research Permits


Nova Scotia Archaeology Category B Permits
Data Source: Nova Scotia Government

Nova Scotia Category C: Archaeological Resource Impact Assessment Permits


Nova Scotia Archaeology Category C Permits
Data Source: Nova Scotia Government
Category C permits may be issued to an individual who will be responsible for the conduct of an archaeological and/or historical investigation in advance of real or proposed development activities. Nova Scotia Special Places


Nova Scotia Archaeology Permit Table

Year Category A Category B Category C Total Permits
1981 4
1982 5
1983 6
1984 11
1985 4
1986 7
1987 10
1988 13
1989 13
1991 27
1992 33
1993 23
1994 29
2000 5 9 36 50
2001 8 13 36 57
2002 6 9 25 40
2003 33 8 35 76
2004 22 12 51 85
2005 26 20 59 105
2006 18 16 50 84
2007 20 11 64 95
2008 13 16 69 98
2009 10 18 90 118
2010 5 20 105 130
2011 5 5 118 128
2012 4 11 156 171
2013 5 11 107 123
2014 2 9 106 117
2015 2 15 101 118
2016 2 15 87 104
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